Hello, my friends!
I hope you are well!
Summer is here!! It's time for the pool, the beach, and time with the fam. :) It's a great time of year for me! Creatively speaking, I've been working on some fabulous projects for Chameleon Pens. It's both fun and challenging. This is my first design team, and I've been feeling my way along, with LOTS of love and support from my lead, Cathy Andronica! Today, I thought I would share with you a bit about my journey to become a designer, and also give you a quick catch-up on what's been happening on my YouTube Channel. Contest! How many faces can you find? Sometimes, I just get carried away... How the contest works: 1. Find as many faces as you can. 2. Post the number of faces you found here in the comments, on FB, Instagram, or Pinterest. 3. If you get the EXACT number of faces that I drew, you automatically win an original Inky Goodness drawing sent directly to you via Snail Mail! (If there are several winners, this may take a while, since I will have to create them individually) 4. Everyone who guesses will be entered into a drawing to receive a limited edition, signed art print via Snail Mail :) 5. I will choose 3 winners randomly...yes, literally draw your name from a hat! 6. Contest ends Thursday, July 23, 2015 midnight CST. Good luck!! Winners will be announced Friday, July 24, 2015. P. S. Don't forget to share it with your fun-loving artsy friends :)
![]() It's been a busy summer - taking kids to swimming, family activities, CAD work, painting, posting, sharing - busy! Now, I am deep in the process of learning to make videos of my art and process. I have my camera set-up (sneak-peek last post). It took some tweaking to get it right...I'm getting better :) I figured out a bit about lighting, built an overhead camera mount, and started shooting my painting process. The result was a 3+ hour video of painting Furiosa that no one in their right mind would watch! So, of course, I had to speed it up. I spent several hours working on it, and still ended up with a really long video - 40 minutes. So, I have more work to do before I can share it with you. I'm sorry about the wait, but I think it will be worth it. :) Meanwhile...I've been doodling/tangling over alcohol ink and loving it! My method for this type of drawing/tangling/doodling is random, or rather, intuitive. If I need inspiration, I may head over to my Pinterest board where I have tons of tangles and tangle tutorials! I start with the white Gelly Roll pen, just making lines and circles. I switch back and forth between pens as the piece develops. More lines. More circles. Dots. Swirls. Flowing shapes. Shadows. More dots. It is a process of letting go, and allowing the art to take it's course. Over-analyzing will get you in trouble. Sometimes, you may get stuck or frustrated. That is part of it too. If that happens, just take a step back. Get a cup of coffee, or go for a walk, and relax a bit. Then, go back, and continue working without judging your piece. Just pick up the pen that appeals to you, and make a mark. Make another mark. It's ok if it doesn't turn out as a fabulous piece of art every time...it only matters that you allow yourself the freedom to enjoy the process. That is why I share both my successful and not-so-successful pieces. Frankly, it is rather uncomfortable. But, I want you to know, that it is more important to try than to be perfect. That the process is worth it, even if the results are less than amazing. Even master artists, like Matisse or Rembrandt, made mistakes...but they didn't let that stop them. Don't let it stop you, either :) With that in mind...Here are 2 projects I've been working on: Project 1I started with this vibrant ink page. I will let you in on a little secret. This is a high resolution print of the original ink painting. I didn't want to mess up the original + this is a great way to extend your artwork. I used a variety of pens, including white Gelly Roll by Sakura, Prismacolor fine tip pens in black, and Pitt Artist pens in grey and other colors. I love using the white Gelly Roll to make dots! To be honest, I wasn't really happy with the overall result of this piece. Since I didn't like where it was going, I just started randomly trying out difference pens, doodles, and a silly smiley face or 2 - after all, the real goal is to have fun! In the end, there were several elements that I loved + it was a great learning experience. You can see a really cool effect on the pic above, in the bottom right corner next to the blue smiley. :) The squiggly line that is gold, outlined by a dark teal color is made with a Sakura Gelly Roll Gold Shadow pen. This is a great effect over the vibrant colors of the alcohol ink. A few more detail shots. It is so much fun to play with these pens. And..the completed piece. Project 2While I was somewhat frustrated with the page above...this one was completely opposite! I absolutely loved the results :) I was so involved in drawing, I forgot to take progress shots. Sorry about that! Some Moments that I love :) I love the flowiness (is that a word?) of this flower. The alcohol ink background had perfect highlights and shadows to make the purple center look sphereical. *sigh* I also fell in love with the golden yellow shape in the center of this pic. I'm not sure why, but it really makes me smile. Somehow, this whale just swam up beneath my floating flowers! How wonderful :) Ok, so that's it! I hope I've shined a little brightness into your day, encouraged you, and most of all...I hope I've made you smile :-D. Don't forget to pass it on...one smile can change everything. Let me know what you think! If you enjoyed this, please share. P. S. Keep a look out for my upcoming posts...one is strictly for fun, the other is my video project!
![]() For the last 2 days, I've been doing some contract work for the company I used to work for. I spent both days back in my old cubicle, at my old desk, doing my old job of drafting. One of my friends laughed at me because the first thing I did was change the desktop background to something artsy. He said, It says a lot about a person when they have to do that before they can work, especially when they're not even going to see it! You are definitely an artist! We laughed. :) I have to say, I did have a lot of fun. It was good to see everyone and catch up with them. I also do like drafting. In some ways, it's like painting...it is easy to get immersed in what I'm doing and forget time...or forget to eat, for that matter. After 2, 9-hour days in the office, I really really missed my studio. So, today....I'm going to paint! If you follow me at all, you will see that I tend to hop from "fun and fancy free" to more "serious" art. (It's all serious, but some is just, Wow, this is fun! While others touch on values like freedom, hope, and joy, life, transformation, etc. This was on the more serious side.) I recently saw the movie Mad Max: Fury Road. Loved it!! I couldn't wait to see what creative invention was coming next :) I was also very inspired Charlize Theron as Furiosa. There was a point at the beginning of the movie when I saw something in her eyes. I saw a meeting, a joining, a place where Hope meets Desperation. Her eyes were on fire! It inspired me so much, that I wished I were a portrait artist! So, naturally, I decided to try. I get in trouble with that so much!...that's how I ended up working as a drafter....anyway... I have painted a couple of portraits before, and I did a self-portrait mosaic quite a while ago. So this is not my first attempt. Read on if you are interested in my artistic process. My Process I decided to make a "study". That's artist speak for practice. I set my intention to think of it only as practice. That means it doesn't have to be perfect, or "professional". This way, I feel I have complete creative freedom to work on it, make mistakes, or even make a 'bad' painting. I started by prepping a canvas with gesso, then making an abstract background that I was happy with. As you may know, I am trying to learn to draw, and I have a long way to go. I believe in using the tools you have, so I didn't let that stop me. I printed out this photo, and traced...yes, traced!...Furiosa's features, and outlined highlights and shadows. Kinda scary looking! Next, I chose colors. I wanted to create an earthy feel, sort of grungy and apocolyptic, like the movie. So I chose Prussian Blue, Naples Yellow, and Burnt Umber. As I worked through the painting, focussing on lights and darks, I gravitated toward a blue toned color palette. The painting became almost monochromatic. As I paint, I take time to step back and look at the piece. I take process shots along the way. Looking at it from different angles and distances, or through a camera helps me see what needs to be changed. Here, I can see that the right corner distracts from the focal point. I saved the eyes for last. For me, they are the most important, and most difficult part of the painting. I wanted them to really stand out. The whole goal of this painting was to capture the intersection where Hope meets Desperation in her eyes. Finished! I don't know yet if I captured that feeling. What do you think? With Much Love and Gratitude,
Jessica P. S. If you enjoyed this post, please like, share, or even join my mailing list! Thanks! P. S. S. Bonus Pic!! My day has been hijacked! Atleast, that is how I felt yesterday afternoon. My well-laid plans had been tossed out the window like yesterday's news! Poof! Gone! But, let me start at the beginning. My day started out pretty normal, up by 6 am, getting my "younger" kids to school.(They are both in Junior High now, so not as young as I sometimes think they are.)
That all went well...perfectly normal. Once they were off, I grabbed my coffee and my journal for my mostly daily morning meditation and reflection time. I was just getting started when the phone rang. Don't be afraid to reach higher than you ever have before! P. S. I am having a Summer Sale on Artfinder. Come check it out and save 25%!
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Sometimes the answers we seek were hidden deep inside us all along. Don't be afraid to look inward. P. S. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, you can do that here. :)
I encourage you to look for ways you can say Yes! Today and every day :) Love others, but be true to yourself.
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