and Oops! I made a mistake in my blog yesterday! I originally planned to share Alcohol Ink Demo 2: Flower Halos, but I shared Demo 3 instead! I apologize for the suprise...there were no Halo instructions in that video. I will share #2 next week! For now, I hope you will enjoy seeing how the silver mixative works with the inks! It's a really cool reaction :) BTW, if you didn't watch to the end, you are missing the Bonus! footage. Please sign up!
As I mentioned yesterday, I am working on my very first ebook! It is definitely a challenge...I know NOTHING! But I am learning! If you want to follow my progress and be the very first to know when it's ready, please sign up here:
Thanks a bunch! And, I am truly sorry for the mix-up with the videos!
Hi :) I hope this letter finds you well, and enjoying the fall weather. While it is technically fall here, we are in store for warm weather for about the next month or so. If it gets down to 80, it's perfect! I've been mulling over several ideas for updating my website and creating new fun stuff, like workshops and tutorials :) I do that every year at about this time. I haven't updated in quite a while, and it is overdue. So, you may notice some changes in the next few weeks. Let me know how you like it! I need your opinion to help me create the most beautiful, easy to use website possible. Thanks in advance! Today I want to share 2 projects with you. I'm super excited, and I hope you will be too! ![]() I celebrated my birthday this month :) My husband found this wonderful Groot for me! (nothing to do with my projects, just wanted to share because it makes me smile) Project 1: My 1st ebook!I signed up for the Gumroad Small Project Lab. I have 11 days to create a small something...it could be anything I suppose...something I can offer to help you. I had more ideas than I expected! But, once I had written down my ideas, I was stuck. It's only the 2nd day! How could I be stuck?! I don't have time to be stuck! This is not unusual for me...I often hesitate when I have decisions to make. I don't like to be wrong. Somehow, in my head, that translates into stuck. What if I make the wrong choice?! The world might end! Of course, the world will not end, but that is the conversation in my head. So, how did I choose? First, I used Gumroad's system for ranking the projects by desire and do-ability, and narrowed it down to 2: How to doodle or How to Overcome Fear of the Blank Canvas. I still had 2, which did not alleviate my paralysis. I needed to walk away, take my mind off of it, and come back with fresh eyes. I had lunch. I played around with alcohol inks. ![]() I made this perfectly luscious background for tangling :) Working on this tonight will be my reward for completing my Small Product Lab tasks for today...can't wait! I talked it over with my daughter (the one who is very organized and practical!). I told her about the project, my options, etc. Then I mentioned the time limit. She said, Well, Mom...do the one where you have the most ideas! Decision made! I chose: How to Overcome Fear of the Blank Canvas (working title..) Whew! I'm glad that choice is made. I definitely felt more of a flow for this topic. The beauty of it is that I can save the other ideas for later. I'll keep you posted on the progress via Instagram and FB, and maybe a blog post or 2 :) Project 2: Inky Goodness Demo 3I have also been working on more alcohol ink demo videos. I am having so much fun making them! Honestly, I didn't know if I could talk through the process of creating, but it turned out to be quite natural for me. It's like thinking out loud...which I often do anyway :) The videos are far from perfect, but I hope you can overlook that and enjoy them. I will get better with practice. And, I have discovered that if I wait until it's perfect, then it will never be shared. Done is better than perfect. I welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions! Without further ado..please enjoy my latest video : How Silver Mixative works with Alcohol Ink P. S. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends! And don't forget to subscribe to my blog to get the latest updates!
I want to share with you this video demo of making Inky Goodness Flowers with alcohol ink. I couldn't have done it without the encouragement I've received from a group I am involved in called the Creative Sandbox. Many thanks to my friend and mentor, Melissa Dinwiddie, of Living a Creative Life, and the amazing people in the sandbox!
Please share your own adventures with alcohol ink and art :) |
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