P. S. Come join me as I go through Melissa Dinwiddie's Finishing Blitz! :) Melissa is super fun! I am working with her (and others) to try and finish several things on my to-do list! Go check out her website, and see if it interests you. (Melissa is not an affiliate.) We can hang out, AND get things done! Don't forget to take time to savor every moment, it's easy for them to pass by unnoticed.
Love others, but be true to yourself.
The secret to success: don't quit. P. S. Have an amazing weekend!
It's all about focus, baby! What you focus on, you empower.
The world is at your fingertips...all you have to do is reach out and take it.
Keep going forward, the breakthrough is coming.
Take a minute, or 5, today to let your heart run wild. P. S. I'm building an awesome Pinterest page with art, inspiring words, tangles, and cool how-to's. I have just reached 200 followers! Come follow me here :) And, leave a comment to let me know how I can help you!
Embrace the beauty of the Cross today.
Smile at someone today--go ahead....change the world!
Art + Inspiration in your inbox! Usually 2x monthly, sometimes a bit more :) Join me for