My day has been hijacked! Atleast, that is how I felt yesterday afternoon. My well-laid plans had been tossed out the window like yesterday's news! Poof! Gone! But, let me start at the beginning. My day started out pretty normal, up by 6 am, getting my "younger" kids to school.(They are both in Junior High now, so not as young as I sometimes think they are.) That all went well...perfectly normal. Once they were off, I grabbed my coffee and my journal for my mostly daily morning meditation and reflection time. I was just getting started when the phone rang. It was my older daughter, who asked me for a ride to work. (Oh, you may not know, I have 4 kids! and guess what people tell me....they say, "You don't look like you have four kids!". Thank God! is my response to that. ) She was leaving her apartment to go to work, and her car was missing! As it turned out, it had been towed. That was a glad it wasn't stolen. So, as a mom, I am more than willing to help my kids out. I hopped in the car and picked her up and took her to work. An hour later, I was back home, and back to my "plan". I dove into my business planning. I need to write. I need to market. I need to....but I was distracted. Writing wasn't working. Marketing wasn't working. It just wasn't working. Ok, so I need to varnish some paintings. The thing was, I also needed to grab some groceries and I needed new cookware. (That is another story..) And, my husband and I are trying to focus on healthy eating. So, all of these things were running through my mind, and I just couldn't focus. Plus, I was waiting for my daughter's boyfriend to call me so we could go pick up her car. Off to the store for me. There was no point in spinning my wheels with the business stuff, which really requires effort for me to focus on. I found a great wok and set of cookware, stocked up on veggies, etc. As I was in the checkout line, I got the call that it was time to pick up my daughter's car. At the same time, my sister texted to say she may also need my help. That's when it happened. That's when I thought, Hijacked! My day has been hijacked! You know what my next thought was? Isn't that one of the main reasons I chose this life of being an artist/entrepreneur? Isn't that the beauty of making my own schedule. I can be here for my family. I can take care of the things that are really important to me. The business stuff can be shuffled around. Family comes first. And so, as the rest of the story goes. I rushed home, assigned my other older daughter to help out my sister should the need arise, and left to meet my daughter's boyfriend and pick up her car. 2 1/2 hours later, I returned home, helped with homework, cooked dinner, went walking with my husband and our 2 "younger" kids, and saved the dishes for this morning. I am so thankful. P. S. This weekend is FREE SHIPPING weekend on Go check it out!
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