and Oops! I made a mistake in my blog yesterday! I originally planned to share Alcohol Ink Demo 2: Flower Halos, but I shared Demo 3 instead! I apologize for the suprise...there were no Halo instructions in that video. I will share #2 next week! For now, I hope you will enjoy seeing how the silver mixative works with the inks! It's a really cool reaction :) BTW, if you didn't watch to the end, you are missing the Bonus! footage. Please sign up!
As I mentioned yesterday, I am working on my very first ebook! It is definitely a challenge...I know NOTHING! But I am learning! If you want to follow my progress and be the very first to know when it's ready, please sign up here:
Thanks a bunch! And, I am truly sorry for the mix-up with the videos!
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