Merry Christmas! Happy New Year :)Dear Creative Joy Seekers, I hope this holiday season finds you well and warm! Here in Texas, we finally have some cold weather! Yay! It makes it feel like Christmas. (although, if I'm honest, it's rarely cold here on Christmas...) I thought, in the midst of the busy-ness, you might like to take a small creativity break! I know I need them. Even taking 5 minutes between projects makes a huge difference for me. I can feel the stress and tension melt away while I'm creating. I hope you will take a few minutes for yourself and try out this fun tutorial for using masking fluid and water-based pens. Playing with Molotow Masking Pen & WatercolorAs you know, I'm ALWAYS exploring art supplies and trying new things! As you also know, I'm in love with YouTube! Put those 2 things together, and ideas start bubbling up! I was watching a YouTuber demo making a Christmas tree with embossing and watercolor. Now, I don't have any embossing supplies, so I was thinking of possible alternatives. I remembered that I have a Molotow Masking pen in my studio, and I have barely used it! I also have Zig Clean Color Real Brush Markers and Koi Water Colors. This could work! I thought it would be fun to try a super simple, fun doodling/watercolor technique, and share that with you. Frankly, I needed a break from Christmas-y stuff. :) Supplies Affiliate Links - Thank you for supporting my art and tutorials just by clicking on the links! Here's the video...or, keep reading for the tutorial :) Masking - doodling Doodle your heart's desire! The masking pen is as simple to use as a normal paint pen. Simply shake it up, then press the nib down onto scrap paper until you see the blue maskig fluid flow out. Then doodle and draw to your heart's content, keeping as slow, steady stroke. Draw thin lines, thick lines, fill in areas, make dots, circles triangles, trees, stars, anything you like! Keep in mind, this is the area that will be white. Allow the fluid to dry completely. For me, that was about 10 minutes. Add WaterColor Color between the lines until your heart's content! And, guess what? It's ok if you get color on the line! Doesn't matter, because it will come off when you remove the masking fluid. I randomly chose several colors of the Zig pens, but you could also use Tombow's, or your watercolors. I colored in a section of the circle, then used a wet watercolor brush to spread the color, creating a gradient effect. Let it dry. Remove the masking fluid Once everything is dry, you can remove the masking fluid. Rub it off with your finger, or you can use an eraser, like I did. Wa-La! Nice clean, white lines! So much fun!
Have an amazing, joy-filled holiday!! xoxo, |
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