Hello, my amazing creative friends!! I hope you are well, and creating magical things! :) An exciting watercolor challenge is coming up in July. You may have heard of it - World Watercolor Month!!! World Watercolor Month is a month long watercolor challenge in July every year. It's free, and a great way to connect with other artists. There will also be LOTS OF GIVEAWAYs throughout the month by the sponsoring companies, like Daniel Smith, Da Vinci, etc. You will need to sign up for the Doodlewash newsletter to learn more. :)
Last year, I missed it! This year, I've been thinking about it a lot, and decided I would join in the fun. :) While I've been thinking, I've also been planning. While I've been planning, I've also been filming! So, just in time to plan for World Watercolor Month, I will be releasing a NEW CLASS on Skillshare!! This class will be quite different from my usual painting classes. I will be sharing how I plan for creative projects. We will chat about WHY we should plan, and HOW to get that planning done, so we can create our projects or art challenges with less stress and more JOY! If you are a creative, then this class is for you! I can hardly wait to share it with you. <3 Have a great weekend! Jessica Sanders Artist | Instructor | Designer ColorMeCreativeArt.com P. S. My latest class has been very well received! Thank you so much for your support! It's always amazing to see your projects and share your joy. FREE LINK - Whimsical Faces: Almond Blossom Girl Find me on: Skillshare YouTube |
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